“short stories”… Vacation rentals never stop…No Matter what the economy does…Euro does…People will always come to the Beach to vacation… Build a new !!! 5-7 bed rental home with a pool and roof top deck….5,800 Sq.foot lot.. Use it part of the time rent it out…when you are gone…Estimated income is over $200,000 a year The water the sun…the old florida feel…tell your friends !!! Imagine walking just a few blocks to downtown Bradenton Beach… Restaurants bay side Bridge Tender ..Music..Dancing..The famous Bridge Street..since 1940’s ..It is the beach life !!! WHO WANTS TO WORK…PLANS ARE HERE FOR 5 BED HOUSE JUST ASK FOR DETAILS….ONLY a 100 feet to the beach. The value is in the land. NO PLANS TO WIDEN THE ISLAND ANY TIME SOON…….LIMITED PRODUCT SUPPLY IS WHERE YOU WANT TO BE…AND BUY….SOUTH OF CORTEZ BRIDGE..
Information deemed realiable but not warranted ..”” End of story…!!…..SOUTH OF CORTEZ BRIDGE…